Evaluating Independent Curators International's Website

As a UX designer, I planned and executed a moderated usability test project. The goal of this project was to understand how users navigate the ICI website. We recruited 8 users to conduct the usability test and interview sessions. During the evaluation, we identified 5 usability issues in the current design and provided corresponding recommendations.


Figma, Google Sheet


Cathelyna Suherman, Madhumitha Pradeep, Nallammai Kannan, Wenjia Liu


3 weeks
A Non-profit Art Organization that Supports Curators
Independent Curators International (ICI) is a non-profit arts organization that supports curators. ICI connects curators from across the world, and provides many resources, including fellowships, intensives, and seminars. ICI is well-regarded and cherished by its users, and has created a strong community.  ICI also has recently reconstructed its website, which is very aesthetically appealing and generally a pleasure to use.

As ICI expands its capacity for content and strategy, the organization is dedicated to increasing content production and enhancing public-facing communications, with a focus on its website. Currently maintaining a strong presence on Instagram with over 37,000 followers, ICI aims to better understand user satisfaction with its website and content.
(Exhibition and initiatives images from the current ICI website. 1: Call for Applications: 2024 Curatorial Research Fellowships; 2: Seeing Sound; 3: Indigenous Practice; 4: Teddy Sandoval and the Butch Gardens School of Art)
Evaluating User Navigation on the ICI Website
With a commitment to improving its online presence, ICI aims to evaluate the current website and understand how users navigate its layout. This comprehensive evaluation of web user experience is designed to efficiently identify areas for improvement, aligning with ICI's expansion efforts and commitment to user satisfaction.
Conducting Moderated User Testing
We employed remote methods for moderated user testing. This approach is considered the gold standard in usability research, providing a more assured means of identifying usability issues in digital interfaces compared to other research methods such as cognitive walk throughs and heuristic evaluations.
Scenario & Tasks
We discussed the research direction with the client and decided to focus this study primarily on the browsing experience of the web page version. The research was organized around four tasks, with the intention of covering all key areas that needed attention.
The targeted user
We came up with the target user group including ICI Alumni, aspiring curators, art enthusiasts. people who are familiar with or have experience curating. We created the questionnaire using Google Forms with a mention of a $10 Amazon Gift Card for the participants who participate the user testing. After that, with the assistance of ICI’ s staff, we send the link out to all of the ICI’ s collaborator email lists that ICI maintain.

We recruited a total of eight participants. The demographics of the participants are as shown in following image. In this interviewee group, over sixty percent have previously collaborated with ICI, while approximately thirty percent represent potential users who have not collaborated with ICI before. Half of the users fall within the age range of 25-34, with the remaining half between the ages of 35-44. Sixty percent of users primarily browse their information on the ICI website, while an additional twenty percent follow ICI through email and social media.
We conducted remote testing using Zoom and Google Meet. The entire testing process took approximately 30 minutes, beginning with around 15 minutes of usability testing. Following this, we conducted interviews to gain insights into users' experiences while navigating the ICI website. Additionally, during the testing sessions, we requested users to share their screens to better understand how they interacted with the web pages.
(Screenshots of the interview process, with the interviewee's photos subjected to blurring for privacy protection.)
Aesthetic appeal, but there's room for improvement
Participants universally appreciated the website's minimalist and clean design, describing it as beautiful, diverse, and culturally engaging. However, we identified the following five usability issues. Additionally, we suggest optimization directions for each.
Reorganizing The Navigation Bar
Many participants were confused with where things are on the navigation bar, especially when searching for ICI’s professional development programs, which is one of the main objectives of their organization. There is also the inconsistency in the capitalization of links and the spacing.

To address this, we are proposing a few changes. First, we are recommending only capitalizing the beginning of a link so all links are consistently formatted. We also changed the “Learning” page title into “Programs” because “Learning” is not intuitive, which can be frustrating for users. The ICI logo has been moved to the left to make it clear to users that they can use it to redirect to the homepage.
Reorganizing The Navigation Bar
Users generally praised its minimal and clean design. However, an interesting observation arose during the sessions. Some users noted that while the text elements displayed an underlined state upon hovering, providing a clear indication of clickability, the images lacked a similar visual cue.

We introduced a darker overlay for images to indicate the hover status while maintaining the website's clean aesthetic while providing users with clearer cues for interactive elements. It aligns with best practices in user interface design, ensuring that users can confidently navigate the website, explore content, and engage with interactive elements seamlessly.
Redesigning Exhibition Information
Many users expressed that the exhibition-related information did not meet their expectations. For instance, some users only discovered that the exhibition was too distant from the current date (December 2023) after clicking on the exhibition details.

To quickly inform users about the exhibition duration, we implemented introduced a "Future" tab where exhibitions occurring more than three months from the current date are featured. Also, we added a new line displaying the exhibition dates directly on the exhibition cards, enabling users to quickly assess the timing of the event.
Incorporating Headings for Quick Content Access
Users are presented with a comprehensive paragraph detailing the specifics of the exhibit, which is undoubtedly beneficial. However, the majority of our participants perceived the page as text-heavy and having low readability.

To improve the readability, we broke up the lengthy paragraph by incorporating “OVERVIEW” and “DETAILS” headings to allow the users to navigate through the information seamlessly. This approach involves presenting a summary at the beginning of the content, offering a quick overview for the user before delving into details.
Adding Call to Action for Open Applications
Users were not able to easily identify which programs were actually accepting applications. One participant stated, “I wished it was a little bit clearer where I should go ... if they're calling for applications for something, it should be the top section.”

To solve for this problem we are recommending that ICI aggregate all open applications in one page and link this page prominently at the top of sections that hold program or intensive information.
If we had more time...
Due to project time constraints, we have identified the usability issues and the recommendations for the website up to this point. Moving forward, we anticipate an ongoing effort to redesign the website with a high-fidelity approach.
Client Saying
“This is amazing! I’m so impressed by how many insights you are able to generate in such a short time and with limited user pool. ... the recommendation you provide is insightful and is a really helpful thing that I'm excited to noodle on in our thinking”

– Taylor Black, Communications and Digital Content Manager, ICI.